Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Thanksgiving Weekend...aka The Official Start of Christmas

***Originally posted on cregarstyle on November 24, 2014***

It is Monday, yet again!  The worst day of the week.  However, in a week that only lasts 2 days, it could be much worse.  I am so excited to have a wonderful LONG five day weekend with my hubby that includes friends flying in, wonderful Thanksgiving dinner, and the OFFICIAL START TO THE CHRISTMAS SEASON!

This year we are incredibly fortunate to not be hosting Thanksgiving dinner!  We had an amazing time hosting last year, but are also ecstatic to not be in charge two years in a row.  This year we will be going to a friend's house just about a mile down the road.  It will be a small group of us, but the number around the table doesn't matter, its the love around the table that counts.  Since we are not hosting it this year, we decided to go ahead and decorate the inside of our house for Christmas to be able to get the most use out of our decorations (plus, we only had a couple "Thanksgiving" decorations).  I will do a post next week with the final product and pictures both inside and out of our house.

In setting up our Christmas decorations I began to think.  Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday and a wonderful spirit to remember, but it tends to be overshadowed by holidays on both sides.  Our house gets insanely decorated for Halloween and Christmas, but looks so bland in the month of November.  Hopefully next year I can come up with some unique Thanksgiving decorations.

We are counting down the days until our Christmas light masterpiece can go up outside.  I am convinced that our house will be able to be seen from space this year.  For having such a small yard, I anticipate close to every inch being covered in lights.  Our poor neighbors didn't know what they were getting when we moved in.  However, there is a new couple that just moved in a couple months ago on our street and the husband and Aaron had dueling Halloween decorations so I don't expect Christmas to be any different.

My weekly plans include cooking, eating way too much Thanksgiving dinner, Black Friday shopping (which Aaron has so graciously converted to loving), outdoor christmas decor, holiday cookie exchange, ordering Christmas cards, addressing Christmas cards, hopefully mailing Christmas cards, present wrapping, football watching, and if I am lucky, the completion of some DIY projects that have been on a hiatus during school.  I am nearly beside myself with excitement for all of the things to come in the next week.  Now I just have to get through today! Until then...

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