Monday, October 5, 2015


***Originally posted on cregarstyle on August 10, 2014***

Never fear, I am here.  Sorry to have basically fallen off the face of the earth in the last 6 weeks.  I was finishing up my 12 credit summer school session (YUCK!) and then was on a blissful 12 day vacation with my hubby and his family to Myrtle Beach, SC (YAY!).
We got up early to go watch the sunrise on the second to last morning :)

Of course we got back a couple weeks ago but I had to catch up on life from being gone so long.  Anyway, this week on the blog will be a couple different posts so stay tuned for those.  

Hubby rockin' the tank and the aviators on the way home.

So on the way to Myrtle Beach we made the drive in 3 days.  The first day we went from our home in Temple, Texas down to Houston, over through Louisiana (which by the way has the WORST DRIVERS EVER), into Mississippi and down to Aaron's aunt and uncle's house in Ocean Springs, MS.  We stayed the night there with them and had a blast catching up with family.

On day 2 we left Ocean Springs and drove east into Alabama, and quickly passed into Florida.  We drove basically from the western most part of Florida all the way to Jacksonville (on the Atlantic Ocean) before turning north to drive up through Georgia to stay outside Savannah.  While in Savannah we were able to stop by and see one of Aaron's friends from college and his wife and two daughters (one of which was just 6 days old!).  It was so great to see them.  I hadn't seen either of them since the boys graduated more than 3 years ago and it had been almost 2 years since Aaron had seen him.  

Day 3 would be a short day!  We woke up and leisurely left the hotel and traveled into downtown Savannah where we took a fun trolley tour around the city and learned all kinds of fun facts about the city.  After a couple hours in Savannah we headed up the coastal highway into South Carolina and through Charleston to Myrtle Beach!  We finally got there around five in the evening and met up with Aaron's parents and sister who were already by the pool.  Time to relax!  FINALLY!

It was a fun week filled with sunshine, books, boogie boarding, tanning, hot tubbing, grilling out, and some rain showers. 

Oh and a MICHAEL JACKSON look alike!

Vacation means ice cream and no make up

Last night before heading home.

It was a great trip and some much needed time away from the real world, but now that we are back it is time to get back to life.  This week I tackled refinishing an old end table from the 90's for just a few bucks!  Until then...

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