Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Back to School: Senior Style

***Originally posted on cregarstyle on August 25, 2014***

Today is the day!  The day I have been waiting to come for nearly 7 years.  Today is the day I begin my "senior year" of college!  I have just this Fall and Spring left in my undergraduate degree before I graduate in May, assuming everything goes according to plan with credits.  I plan on taking 15 credit hours both semesters and powering through to that blissful day when I walk across the stage.

Yesterday my husband and were talking about growing up and how I will be turning 25 about six weeks after I graduate (better late than never).  I had made a comment about being a "kid" for one more year because I am still in college, but then it hit me that at 24 I am into adulthood.  I am not sitting on the edge anymore.  I am an adult, and even though I am still in college, I need to be proud to be in the adult phase of life.  What does all of that really mean?  Well, it means that even though I don't have class until 11 am (not by choice but necessity), I still got up this morning at 6 am to start my day with my husband, go to the gym, come home to write my blog, cook breakfast instead of skipping it, have my quiet time, and get ready for my day.  Today (and every Monday) will be a long one.  I have class from 11 am until 9 pm so it is important for me to use my morning hours to the fullest because by the time I get home around 10 pm I am going to be so wiped out that I won't have time for blogging, quiet prayer time, or anything before my head hits the pillow.

I am a substitute teacher for the local school district and I am anxious to start subbing on days that I don't have a marathon of classes.  If I am going to be able to get myself going on the days that I am subbing, I need to be putting it into practice on an every day basis.

A wonderful thing that has helped me put a little pep in my step this morning (not coffee, although I am heading in that direction soon) has been listening to Christian radio.  We have a great local Christian station here in Texas that I listen to in the car, but when I am on my phone or computer I prefer to log on to 95.1 Shine FM and click on their listen live button.  They also have a great iPhone app (I'm sure andriod too).  I am partial to this station because I became a Christian while I was living in Baltimore and this was the station that I would listen to there.  It is where I first heard most Christian songs.  They also seem to have a little different choices in music than the station here so I get to have a more diverse bunch of songs rather than overdosing on the same standard songs from one station.  Its hard not to be happy when you listen to Christian music.  It can turn just about any day around for me.

This week I have started a new DIY project so stay tuned in the next week or so for that post.  I am remaking an antique farm table and bench that literally came out of a local barn.  Can't wait to share that with y'all.  Until then...

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