Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Busy Life = Happy Life?

***Originally posted on cregarstyle on October 29, 2014***

I feel like I am constantly apologizing for my tardiness when it relates to the blog.  However, I am going to be done apologizing.  It is just going to have to be like this for now....until I graduate probably.  I have dreams of having this blissful post college life where I have time to write blog posts multiple times a week.  I realize this is probably a pipe dream, because we will be moving, setting up a new house, I will be finding work (UGH), and I will be just as busy as I am now.  Although as Ted from How I Met Your Mother would say: That's a problem for Future Me to deal with.  For now, I will just keep on writing as often as I can and learn to be happy with what I've got.

Today's post is more of a continuous stream of consciousness, rather than a carefully thought out entry detailing my current state of life.  It hit me the other day, that for someone who is not yet a contributing member of society with a career oriented purpose in life, I am busier than expected.  Before 11:30 am Monday I had gone to the gym, forgotten I had a doctor's appointment only to remember and rush out the door, gotten coffee (probably the reason I could be remotely productive), watered the flowers for the first time in Lord knows how long, prepped dinner for my husband to finish later, mentally prepared myself for class, washed a couple loads of laundry, and realized it has been too long since I last posted on my blog.  PHEW!  I know for some people that seems like next to nothing.  I am sure my husband accomplishes more than that before 9 am, but when you start your day at 8:15 am that is a lot to do in 3 hours.

I can only hope that my ability to handle a lot at once improves as time goes on.  I dream of the days when I am a mother, have a career, keep a wonderfully clean and organized home, find time to fit in a good workout, and have dinner on the table as my husband walks in the door from work.  Yet again, another pipe dream, I know.  But aim high, right?

Wednesdays tend to be my everything day.  I don't have class on Wednesdays and in the evenings I have the junior and senior girls from the youth group I teach over to have Ladies Night.  It is because of Ladies Night that my house actually gets cleaned and organized at least once a week.  So today as I assessed the current state of chaos that is my home, and I made a "Honey Do" list for this weekend.  Ok so the home truly is MY domain, but I have obviously slacked off enough that I need some extra special husband help to get it back in order.  I quickly shot an email off to Aaron of things I would like to get done this weekend since Halloween will be over.  It went something like this:

Can we please do the following things this weekend?  It will be a group effort, but I need us to prioritize it.  I would especially like to get the garage taken care of so as soon as I finish the table I can park in there again.

-Put away all Halloween Decorations both inside and out
-Organize garage so only things left out are the Table and Dresser
-Put new light bulbs in office light fixture
-Organize Army gear so it fits back in closet
-Stabilize farm table so I can stain it.
-Touch up paint the master bath spot from candle
-Deep clean house to include:
-Mop hard floors (Laundry, Pantry, Kitchen, Dining, Foyer, Both Bathrooms)
-Vacuum ALL carpet.
-Dust all window sills.
-Clean baseboards
-Clean toilets, showers/tub, mirrors, counters, sinks

I would like to be able to complete the Farm Table so we can decide what to do with it...if it is sturdy enough I'd like to consider trying it out in place of our current table.  I am also going to FOR REAL go through our files after we complete the rest of this list so I may need your help to decide what to keep and know what all goes in the same file.  But you could be playing drums while I go through them.  

I love you.  I know this seems like a lot, but I want our home to be a reflection of how happy we are and I think I've been neglecting it recently.  I would appreciate it if you could help me get it back under control.

I am hoping the last paragraph makes him feel more inclined to help because I am just the sweetest wife ever! ;) To get y'all up to date on our current house status here are a few need to know things.  First, I have been working on storing a farm table, bench, and dresser that I bought from my neighbor's garage sale since August in my garage.  It sits on my side of the garage so to give Aaron room for his car.  It was my project after all.  The bench is pretty much done, as I finished the last little bit of touch ups today, but the table has a LONG road ahead of it.  The dresser has not yet been touched but I may be able to find a place to store it in the house once I get the other projects completed and out of the garage.  Until then, there is no reason to move it from the garage.

Secondly, my sweet, wonderful husband has a serious addiction to outdoor holiday decorations.  I love him dearly but I think we crossed the line between normal eccentric and crazy a few Michael's trips ago.  Needless to say our house is covered in Halloween decor that all needs to be put back up in the attic come Saturday, November 1st. 

The rest of the list is basically just cleaning.  Not that our house is dirty, but it hasn't gotten a DEEP clean in a while so it can't hurt to go a bit above the regular cleaning schedule.  I also have been telling Aaron for literally two and a half years that I would re-do the filling system we are currently operating with and it is about time I get to it.  

I am realizing that while I am beyond busy in my life these days (school, house, puppy, fitness, youth group, etc) I am choosing to be this busy because it is what makes me most happy.  I feel happier at the end of the day when I have accomplished more and been productive, even if the day was filled with meal planning, trips to the post office, grocery shopping, and laundry.  WOAH!  Did I just grow up?  Who would have thought I would ever say something like that???  I am sure my mother will read this and just about die from a heart attack.  Don't worry Mom, I am still not yet up to the Colleen standards so I haven't changed too much.  

I intend to update with how well the Honey Do/We Do list goes this weekend, but I am not making any promises because life tends to get away from me.  So...until then...

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