Saturday, November 28, 2015

25 Christmas Gifts for the Women in Your Life (part 2)

Never fear!  Part 2 of my 25 Christmas Gifts for the Women in Your Life is finally here!  If you missed numbers 25-10 check out part 1.  Keep scrolling for numbers 1-9 on the list!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

25 Christmas Gifts for the Men in Your Life (part 2)

As promised, the second part to 25 Christmas Gifts for the Men in Your Life is here!  The top 10 gifts are listed below.  For the first 15, check out part 1.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

25 Christmas Gifts for the Men in Your Life (part 1)

Ok to go along with my Gift List for Women, this year I am also doing a gift list for men, and coming later this week, one for the pups in your life.  Now, I don't claim to be an expert on what men want for the holidays, but thankfully I have a trusty husband to help me navigate that issue.  These presents have been husband approved.  Disclaimer: he is 27 and we don't have kids so I'm not sure if he perspective is different than the man you're buying for or not.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

25 Christmas Gifts for the Women in Your Life (Part 1)

Last year I made a Holiday Season Gift Guide with the 10 best gifts for women.  However, I published it on December 18th.  My husband, the sweet procrastinator that he is was very grateful for the list for ideas, but pointed out that some of those ideas take more time than he had left until Christmas.  So this year I am getting a jump on it!  I know its not even Thanksgiving yet, but my goal this year is to have all our presents at least picked out, if not ordered, by December 1st so I can just enjoy the holiday season with my family.

Speaking of family, my mother-in-law should be given some credit for this post as my in laws have requested Christmas lists for each of us (Aaron, myself, and Delilah the Dog).  So I have decided to create gift lists for each category: husband, wife, pup.  We don't have kiddos yet so sorry, I have no insight for that demographic :/