Sunday, April 15, 2012

Why "Lead Me"

Our first weekly post will be this Tuesday, but I felt the need to explain the purpose of this blog and some background to it before I dive into the weekly entries.  I have named this blog "Lead Me" after one of my favorite Christian songs by Sanctus Real.  The song is about asking God for guidance and the words to lead others, and for God to lead us.  

Recently when talking with a Christian friend of mine, I realized how little time I spent actively participating in faith-filled activities outside of my church.  It was in that discussion that I felt God telling me that I should start a Bible study.  At first I was skeptical because of my youthfulness in my walk with Christ (which I will share more about on Tuesday), but the more I prayed about this Bible study, the stronger I felt about this.  My pastor has said on multiple occasions how God calls on people to do work in His name and how sometimes he takes the people we least expect because it isn't the individual He chooses that does the work, it is God working through them.  And what would give God more glory?  To use someone who we all would expect to be doing great things in the name of Christ or to use someone who is a believer, but might not have the platform or tools to do so? 

When God decides to use someone for His work, He provides them with the resources, the platform, and everything they could possibly need to glorify Him.  That is exactly what He did for me.  He gave me the platform: This was originally made for a specific group of people, but has since been opened to others (because why should we limit God's love to only a few?).  He gave me the resources: At first I thought what other resource will I need besides the Bible.  Obviously that is my main source of information, because that is God's Word, but He has also put people in my life who have experience and knowledge in leading Bible studies to help me on this journey.  I am positive that should any other need for this study arise as time goes on, the Lord will provide them for me because I doing work for Him.  

This week I will not be posting the first topic, as I need more time to prepare my post, consult with my personal spiritual mentors, study the Word, read through, and re-read my entry.  I am not taking this lightly.  While most, if not all, of us have a relationship with Christ already, I don't want to cheapen anything by neglecting people who might be reading this as their first encounter with the Bible.  That is why I am using so many sources and taking some extra time to make sure what I am writing is accurate information.  This week I will be posting my testimony and a list of the first 3 topics that I am going to cover.  The first topic will be covered Tuesday, April 24th.

Lord, thank you all that You give us.  We are sinners and You wipe all that away with Your salvation when we trust You as Lord and Savior.  I ask that You guide me as I start this blog and Bible study.  I thank you for providing for me thus far and for things that haven't happened yet.  Please use me as an avenue to bring You glory, not me.  I pray that people reading this connect with You, Lord.  I ask this in Jesus' name.  Amen.

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